Mommy's only free on fri so she can only post on fri.
I went to the vet today ! That mean vet gave me a jab ! :'(
Mommy: Ready for the vet?
Yes mom...
Mommy said it was my annual vaccination. Oh well, I gave a jerk when he jabbed me.
There were quite a few doggies there though!! ><
In the waiting room..
I wanna get down mom !
Mommy : okay ! do it yourself !
Mommy : okay ! do it yourself !
Forget it , I'm afraid of heights :X
Looking at the last pic above, did you guys notice the door on my right ??
Well, Mommy took a peek and this is what she saw !!
2 Cats ! They're really well-groomed if you had seen them yourself. The one inside is called Simon, but I don't know the name of the cat nearer to the door. Then suddenly when waiting for my medication, one of the assistant vet let Simon out. I wanted to chase it ! It wasn't scared of me. It sniffed me and went walking around O.O
Oh, and the vet said my bladder stones are still there :( I have to continue my medication.. T.T
Since we were at serangoon, there were many pet shops there and mommy decided to bring me to 'Happy Paws' to trim my nails.
I was so afraid by the many puppies bark, I didn't dare go near them!
After we were done, we went to walk around and then home !
Going up the overhead bridge
walking along the path of the overhead bridge
going down the overhead bridge. Gosh, this is tiring !!
In the lift.. So tired to even stand..
Aunty Paw washing my paws :D
Hello Angel,
you are so brave, i'm so afraid of the needles :x and you sure look dog tired after a long walk ^^
best regards
Hi Angel!
I miss you!
Go to the vet isn´t fun! You looked so well behaved there! You had a very busy day!
Have a great weekend!
Woo did soooo furry well!
I hope woo slept well after such a busy busy day!
Hi, Angel!
Going to the vet is not funny but we need it!
Sure you needed a long nap after that loooong walkie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Angel,
I love the way your little tongue sticks out in some of the pics!! Soooooo cute!!
Your vet looks like a very nice and peaceful place.. I say so because my vet is like a madhouse and there are always more people/ animals than space..
Vodka :
Yupp , I sure am (:
I'm afraid of needles too !
I tried to avoid but I can't!! :'(
Thor :
Hey Thor ! I missed you too !
Hehe actually I'm not well-behaved at all :D
I tried to kill Simon the cat and I whined when I got stuck onto the chair !!
Khyra :
Yupp, Indeed I slept well ! But not for long !!
My legs were aching from the long walk !
When mommy took me out for a walk after my dinner, I could barely walk ! I walked so slowly mommy decided to bring me back to give me a break :D
Lorenza :
Yupp, but the good thing is that ..
There are alot of doggie friends there !!
And.. some cats too ! ^^
Simba & Jazzi :
Welcome back guys !!
Missed you guys sooo much !
I have to catch up on other dogs' bloggies too !
Huskee & Hershey :
Yupp, it is quite peaceful because there were other vets around that area too.
It's not a very big vet though.
Hehe, I always stick out my tongue.
Mommy noticed this the time when she was looking for a dog to buy o.o
I was in the little cage with my big bro and I had a little tongue sticking out too !
Hmm i wonder how's my bro.. I was so excited the 1st time I saw mommy ! I jumped around.. but my bro doesn't seem to care, he just fell asleep !!
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