Apr 9, 2009

Hey guys ! Mommy was supposed to HELP ME post about the doggy event at East Coast TODAY! But she didn't. Nope, she hasn't . Someone ~~ SOMEONE was being a doofus ! Pictures and videos are stored in the camera and that 'someone' whom I shall not name remains as ANONYMOUS, is LAZY to upload them!! Oh well, she says she will upload next week.

like hello ~ you are the lazy girl here! PIGLET SLEEPING ALL DAY !

And look at the way you sleep young girl ! Not gentle at all, nope, not at all

From the floor to the stool...

From the stool to the sofa...

And also.. hugging a mini bolster.

This girl actually managed to sleep in all sorts of position and place!

And now.. little girl asking for watermelon after her dinner!
Aww.. look at that sweet face, how could i ever reject her request!?

Yum Yum Yum !!

Went for a short walk . And then.. it was time to sleep.. I mean really sleep.
C'mon mom ! What are you waiting for !? Can't you see my eyes are closing!!? STOP fiddling with the camera!!
Yupp, at night, the best place to sleep, is MOMMY'S BED ;D